Saturday, 23 May 2015

How to take care of your pets?

Pets are part of family, people are too much conscious of their pets diet plan. The diet given to the pets should must contain complete nutrients, in order to make the pet healthy and to maintain a strong bone structure. Try to call your pets with "specific names" as pets have an unique ability to recognize the voice of their owner. Toy breeds in Dogs are famous because they seems very cute especially "SPITZ" this breed is considered as the cutest breed and they have heavy coat on their body, the long hairs of Spitz make's them attractive. One bad thing for old Family members is, they have made a world record in Barking, yes it sounds bad but it's in fact so true.


  1. thank you so much for information.

  2. wow great info about naming pets and their diet. I didn't knew pets responded to individual names.
